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Monday, 18 February 2013

Scotties Day 3 Review

Day 3 at the Scotties – Monday, February 18

2 pm Draw #6

The Scores

Ross (Quebec) 2
Nedohin (Canada) 12
Jones (Manitoba) 11
Arsenault (Nova Scotia) 4
Homan (Ontario) 9
Scott (BC) 8
Moore (Alberta) 6
Shumay (Saskatchewan) 7
I was at these games live.   Allison Ross had a tough afternoon as they lost 12-2 to Team Canada in 7 ends.  Ross only curled 54% while Nedohin curled 91%.  Mary-Anne Arsenault kept it close until the 7th end where she gave up 4 and in the 8th when she gave up 3 to Jennifer Jones.  The final score was 11-4 for Jennifer Jones.  Rachel Homan of Ontario defeated Kelly Scott of British Columbia by a final score of 9-8 in 11 ends.  The leads in the Homan-Scott game curled well today.  Lisa Weagle (Ontario) curled a good 93% while her counterpart Sarah Wazney curled 86%.  Team Homan stole 1 in the 9th to clinch the win.  In a breathtaking game between Kristie Moore and Jill Shumay.  Moore had a 5-2 lead going into the 7th but couldn't hold on as she let Shumay steal 2 in 7 and 8.  Alberta made a game of it in the 10th, but Shumay made her final draw to seal the win.

7:30 pm Draw #7

The Scores

Crawford (New Brunswick) 5
Homan (Ontario) 7
Nedohin (Canada) 10
Devereaux (Newfoundland and Labrador) 3
Birt (PEI) 12
Shumay (Saskatchewan) 7
Galusha (Northwest 1 Territories/Yukon) 
Jones (Manitoba) 9
I was at these games live.  Rachel Homan maintained her perfect record with a 7-5 win over Andrea Crawford and New Brunswick.  Crawford didn't make her shots in the 10th end and that cost her as Homan didn't need to throw her last rock.  Heather Nedohin only needed 7 ends to get by Stacie Devereaux 10-3.   Canada got 2 3's and stole 2 in the fourth for the win.  The big difference was that Jessica Mair curled really well today at 95% but her counterpart from Newfoundland, Lauren Wasylkiw, was only curling 57%. It looks like Newfoundland is having trouble with the ice.  The sweepers making some mistakes and the skip may be off a bit on the ice calls. Suzanne Birt picked up her second win in a row with a 12-7 win over Jill Shumay, ending her perfect record.  PEI got 2 3's in 7 and 9 to clinch the win for them.  Jennifer Jones defeated Kerry Galusha and her rink 9-1 in 8 ends.  Jones's team had 5 straight steals of either 1,2 or 3 to win the game.

Standings after Day 3

Team Jennifer Jones (Manitoba)
Team Rachel Homan (Ontario)
Team Heather Nedohin (Canada)
Team Jill Shumay (Saskatchewan)
Team Kelly Scott (BC)
Team Allison Ross (Quebec)
Team Andrea Crawford (New Brunswick)
Team Suzanne Birt (PEI)
Team Kerry Galusha (NWT/YT)
Team Kristie Moore (Alberta)
Team Mary Anne Arsenault (Nova Scotia)
Team Stacie Devereaux (Newfoundland and Labrador)

Tomorrow’s Games:
Draw 8 - 2 pm
A--AB vs NL, B--BC vs NB, C--NS vs NT, D--QC vs PE
Draw 9 - 7:30 pm
A--SK vs NS, B--ON vs QC, C--AB vs MB D--BC vs CA

Watch tomorrow for…

The Canada vs BC game at 7:30 pm should be the best game on the schedule tomorrow!

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